Caulking Install and Removal


High Park Handyman offers caulking install and removal services for your bathtub, shower, sink, and windows in Toronto. We remove and re-apply caulking where ever it’s required. Interior or exterior applications. The proper type of caulking and how it is applied is essential for water sealing and weather sealing.

When re-caulking a bathtub or shower it is essential that it’s done right. In order for the new caulk to adhere properly, all of the old caulking including any residue must be removed. We use a sharp utility knife to remove the largest pieces first. Next we carefully apply a spray that helps to further break down the remaining silicone (read if it’s safe to use on the surface).

Unfortunately, this process often takes a few hours for a whole bath! Use a vacuum to help remove the pieces and repeat the steps until it is all completely removed. You can use vinegar to help clean up the remaining residue. Wipe clean with water and make sure it is totally dry before applying the new caulk.


Exterior sealing is essential to help keep your home dry. Have us re-seal your foundation area, re-seal your windows, doors, or anywhere water can potentially get in.